Destructive Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys
Any demolition or refurbishment works requires A review of the asbestos register to ensure it’s adequate for the purposes of the project.
Best practice guidelines for demolition mention a more intrusive / destructive asbestos and hazardous materials audit (Division 6) should be undertaken to identify hazardous materials that may be disturbed during the project works.
- Delivering hazardous materials surveys to assess whether hazardous materials (asbestos, PCBs, lead, hazardous substances etc.) are present by inspecting project specific areas of the site and reviewing relevant records
- Recommendation control actions required to manage the risks associated with the identified hazardous materials
- Detailed reporting of our key findings and recommendations to establish a Hazardous Materials Register listing identified, or suspected, locations of hazardous materials in the project area
- Detailed mapping of hazardous materials
- Risk assessment of the materials identified
- Preparation of Technical Scopes of Work, Specifications for removal and Construction Management Plans detailing how to remove or manage the hazardous materials during the construction or demolition project
- Management of abatement tendering with appropriately licensed contractors